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 Domenica 16 Febbraio 2025

sezione a cura di Scarysmile
Indice Forum
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Visite : 3282 -- Reply : 2

Postato hello from America
by John Fasciani

To those who speak and write English, hello from the state of Colorado in the USA. I am interested in others with the Fasciani or Fasciano name in Ripalimosani where my grandfather Nicola Mario Fasciani was born in 1876. Does anyone want to help me?
by scarysmile

I'm sorry but we don't have this information.
It's very difficult to find the things you need because there would be an archive where are contained very old data.
In Ripa there are some Fasciano families.
In any case it's a very long and difficult job and the result is not sure because you risk to don't find the right information or you to don't know where too search for that.
by Cleveland

John - I tried a similar approach a while back and had no luck. I like the Ripese on a personal level but, unfortunately, they don't seem to share our interest in re-connecting. They also tend to be very private and insular. The best you can hope for is grudging assistance - although you might sometimes run into measured indifference or even polite disdain.

The best thing to do is to go there and visit city hall (with an interpreter) and ask for help in your research of official records. Be patient, but persistent. And make sure you gather as much info as you can about your family tree before you go.

In any case, if you haven't been already, you should visit. It's a remarkable, beautiful place and the trip might help you understand your family's history a little. I've traveled pretty much everywhere and it's the only place I'll keep going back to.

Also - check out my post from last week about genetic genealogy. That approach might interest you.
Indice Forum
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